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Our mission


Promote and create educative and community processes that foster human and social development for people in impoverished areas, primarily children, youth and women. 


Communities are the heart of our work.  In mindful communities' people take responsibility for their environment and Mother Earth.  This is why, our basic objectives include caring for others, caring for life and caring for Mother Earth. 

Fundación Comunidad y Axión (Community Axion Foundation) is a non-profit community service institution located in El Alto Bolivia. 

COMMUNITY. Human beings cannot live alone and only for themselves.  They need to understand that all forms of life are sacred.  Therefore, we must assume that our lives are inevitably united with all life.

AXIÓN. The word ACTION includes all human activity: loving and killing are actions, exploitation, respect, solidarity, rape, caring and destruction are as well.

Axion originates from the Greek word axio which means value.  Therefore, all axion has an ethical value based on dignity, peace and reconciliation.  



Oikos = House, Home; Nomos = Administration

On August 8, 2021 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published information on earth's climate situation and argued, that it is, without a doubt, the result of human beings' and their way of living on earth, especially, the use of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) and the irrational exploitation of natural resources.  

Climate change causes droughts, floods, food insecurity and increases the impact of diseases.  

People who live in regions of the world that least contributed to climate change are affected the most by it, this demonstrates that there is an urgent need for change in the current economic model.  

At Fundación Comunidad y Axión we are convinced that to reverse climate change we need to accept our role as oikonomos, as administrators of our only home. 


Oikoternura (tenderness towards our home/the earth) is the essential energy that flows and gives life to humans.  It connects us with a network that nourishes and makes us, it makes us independent and free. 

Oikoternura is essential and is the energy that flows into the network of life.  It is the lifeblood that nourishes, cares for and respects life because in life there is no one center but collaboration, cooperation, interdependency, reciprocity and coexistence, so that we all may live well. 

We are committed to working with women, youth, children and families in the city of El Alto so that they can live in a sustainable, active, conscientious way, in community with others and Mother Earth. 

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